家电修理 2023-07-16 19:16www.caominkang.com电器维修
1、进入加密的 Excel 用快捷命令Alt+F8 打开宏命令 窗口。
2、在宏名一栏中 输入宏的名字 随意健入即可。
3、输入完宏名后 创建的按钮就亮了 点击创建 我们就可以来到 新的界面了。
4、将编辑框内的Sub knife( )End Sub删除 将下列代码 复制 上去。
- 01Option Explicit
- 02Public Sub AllInternalPassords()
- 03' Breaks orksheet and orkbook structure passords. Bob McCormick
- 04' probably originator of base code algorithm modified for coverage
- 05' of orkbook structure / indos passords and for multiple passords
- 06'
- 07' Norman Harker and JE McGimpsey 27-Dec-2002 (Version 1.1)
- 08' Modified 2003-Apr-04 by JEM: All msgs to constants, and
- 09' eliminate one Exit Sub (Version 1.1.1)
- 10' Reveals hashed passords NOT original passords
- 11Const DBLSPACE As String = vbneline & vbneline
- 12Const AUTHORS As String = DBLSPACE & vbneline & _
- 13"Adapted from Bob McCormick base code by" & _
- 14"Norman Harker and JE McGimpsey"
- 15Const HEADER As String = "AllInternalPassords User Message"
- 16Const VERSION As String = DBLSPACE & "Version 1.1.1 2003-Apr-04"
- 17Const REPBACK As String = DBLSPACE & "Please report failure " & _
- 18"to the microsoft.public.excel.programming nesgroup."
- 19Const ALLCLEAR As String = DBLSPACE & "The orkbook should " & _
- 20"no be free of all passord protection, so make sure you:" & _
- 21DBLSPACE & "SAVE IT NOW!" & DBLSPACE & "and also" & _
- 23DBLSPACE & "Also, remember that the passord as " & _
- 24"put there for a reason. Don't stuff up crucial formulas " & _
- 25"or data." & DBLSPACE & "Aess and use of some data " & _
- 26"may be an offense. If in doubt, don't."
- 27Const MSGNOPWORDS1 As String = "There ere no passords on " & _
- 28"sheets, or orkbook structure or indos." & AUTHORS & VERSION
- 29Const MSGNOPWORDS2 As String = "There as no protection to " & _
- 30"orkbook structure or indos." & DBLSPACE & _
- 31"Proceeding to unprotect sheets." & AUTHORS & VERSION
- 32Const MSGTAKETIME As String = "After pressing OK button this " & _
- 33"ill take some time." & DBLSPACE & "Amount of time " & _
- 34"depends on ho many different passords, the " & _
- 35"passords, and your puter's specification." & DBLSPACE & _
- 36"Just be patient! Make me a coffee!" & AUTHORS & VERSION
- 37Const MSGPWORDFOUND1 As String = "You had a Worksheet " & _
- 38"Structure or Windos Passord set." & DBLSPACE & _
- 39"The passord found as: " & DBLSPACE & "$$" & DBLSPACE & _
- 40"Note it don for potential future use in other orkbooks by " & _
- 41"the same person ho set this passord." & DBLSPACE & _
- 42"No to check and clear other passords." & AUTHORS & VERSION
- 43Const MSGPWORDFOUND2 As String = "You had a Worksheet " & _
- 44"passord set." & DBLSPACE & "The passord found as: " & _
- 45DBLSPACE & "$$" & DBLSPACE & "Note it don for potential " & _
- 46"future use in other orkbooks by same person ho " & _
- 47"set this passord." & DBLSPACE & "No to check and clear " & _
- 48"other passords." & AUTHORS & VERSION
- 49Const MSGonLYONE As String = "only structure / indos " & _
- 50"protected ith the passord that as just found." & _
- 52Dim 1 As Worksheet, 2 As Worksheet
- 53Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer, l As Integer
- 54Dim m As Integer, n As Integer, i1 As Integer, i2 As Integer
- 55Dim i3 As Integer, i4 As Integer, i5 As Integer, i6 As Integer
- 56Dim PWord1 As String
- 57Dim ShTag As Boolean, WinTag As Boolean
- 58Application.ScreenUpdating = False
- 59With ActiveWorkbook
- 60WinTag = .ProtectStructure Or .ProtectWindos
- 61End With
- 62ShTag = False
- 63For Each 1 In Worksheets
- 64ShTag = ShTag Or 1.ProtectContents
- 65Next 1
- 66If Not ShTag And Not WinTag Then
- 67MsgBox MSGNOPWORDS1, vbInformation, HEADER
- 68Exit Sub
- 69End If
- 70MsgBox MSGTAKETIME, vbInformation, HEADER
- 71If Not WinTag Then
- 72MsgBox MSGNOPWORDS2, vbInformation, HEADER
- 73Else
- 74On Error Resume Next
- 75Do 'dummy do loop
- 76For i = 65 To 66: For j = 65 To 66: For k = 65 To 66
- 77For l = 65 To 66: For m = 65 To 66: For i1 = 65 To 66
- 78For i2 = 65 To 66: For i3 = 65 To 66: For i4 = 65 To 66
- 79For i5 = 65 To 66: For i6 = 65 To 66: For n = 32 To 126
- 80With ActiveWorkbook
- 81.Unprotect Chr(i) & Chr(j) & Chr(k) & _
- 82Chr(l) & Chr(m) & Chr(i1) & Chr(i2) & _
- 83Chr(i3) & Chr(i4) & Chr(i5) & Chr(i6) & Chr(n)
- 84If .ProtectStructure = False And _
- 85.ProtectWindos = False Then
- 86PWord1 = Chr(i) & Chr(j) & Chr(k) & Chr(l) & _
- 87Chr(m) & Chr(i1) & Chr(i2) & Chr(i3) & _
- 88Chr(i4) & Chr(i5) & Chr(i6) & Chr(n)
- 89MsgBox Application.Substitute(MSGPWORDFOUND1, _
- 90"$$", PWord1), vbInformation, HEADER
- 91Exit Do 'Bypass all for...nexts
- 92End If
- 93End With
- 94Next: Next: Next: Next: Next: Next
- 95Next: Next: Next: Next: Next: Next
- 96Loop Until True
- 97On Error GoTo 0
- 98End If
- 99If WinTag And Not ShTag Then
- 100MsgBox MSGONLYONE, vbInformation, HEADER
- 101Exit Sub
- 102End If
- 103On Error Resume Next
- 104For Each 1 In Worksheets
- 105'Attempt clearance ith PWord1
- 1061.Unprotect PWord1
- 107Next 1
- 108On Error GoTo 0
- 109ShTag = False
- 110For Each 1 In Worksheets
- 111'Checks for all clear ShTag triggered to 1 if not.
- 112ShTag = ShTag Or 1.ProtectContents
- 113Next 1
- 114If ShTag Then
- 115For Each 1 In Worksheets
- 116With 1
- 117If .ProtectContents Then
- 118On Error Resume Next
- 119Do 'Dummy do loop
- 120For i = 65 To 66: For j = 65 To 66: For k = 65 To 66
- 121For l = 65 To 66: For m = 65 To 66: For i1 = 65 To 66
- 122For i2 = 65 To 66: For i3 = 65 To 66: For i4 = 65 To 66
- 123For i5 = 65 To 66: For i6 = 65 To 66: For n = 32 To 126
- 124.Unprotect Chr(i) & Chr(j) & Chr(k) & _
- 125Chr(l) & Chr(m) & Chr(i1) & Chr(i2) & Chr(i3) & _
- 126Chr(i4) & Chr(i5) & Chr(i6) & Chr(n)
- 127If Not .ProtectContents Then
- 128PWord1 = Chr(i) & Chr(j) & Chr(k) & Chr(l) & _
- 129Chr(m) & Chr(i1) & Chr(i2) & Chr(i3) & _
- 130Chr(i4) & Chr(i5) & Chr(i6) & Chr(n)
- 131MsgBox Application.Substitute(MSGPWORDFOUND2, _
- 132"$$", PWord1), vbInformation, HEADER
- 133'leverage finding Pord by trying on other sheets
- 134For Each 2 In Worksheets
- 1352.Unprotect PWord1
- 136Next 2
- 137Exit Do 'Bypass all for...nexts
- 138End If
- 139Next: Next: Next: Next: Next: Next
- 140Next: Next: Next: Next: Next: Next
- 141Loop Until True
- 142On Error GoTo 0
- 143End If
- 144End With
- 145Next 1
- 146End If
- 148End Sub
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