Risk Ratio 和 Odds Ratio

家电修理 2023-07-16 19:17www.caominkang.com电器维修

Data Science Day 15

Risk Ratio

Last time, e give a SAS example of Risk Difference to test if to groups are experiencing the same proportion of a certain event. In order to understand the ic better, e ill go over Risk Ratio.


Risk Ratio or Relative Risk (RR) is the probability that an event ours in a group 1 relative to the probability that the same event ours in group 2.
Note: Without Loss of Generality, In clinical trials, e take a group to be actual treatment group and the other group is the placebo group.


Risk Ratio (Relative Risk)= P(event in group1)/P(event in group 2)

RR ≈ 1 ⇒ The proportion of events are similar in group 1 and group 2.
RR » 1 ⇒ Increased probability of events among those in group 1 pared to group 2.
RR « 1 ⇒ Decreased probability of events among those in group 1 pared to group 2.
Note: This is a general interpretation, e can explain in different scenarios.


#import Library
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.api as sm
import pylab as pl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

#Read in Arthritis data
df = sm.datasets.get_rdataset("Arthritis", "vcd").data
#Create Ne variable Censor:
#Censor=0 means no-improvement
#Censor=1 means some or big improvement 
df["Censor"]=np.here(df["Improved"]=="None", "0", "1")
#table for Treatment and Censor
tab=pd.crosstab(df["Treatment"], df["Censor"])
table= np.asarray([[29,14],[13,28]])
Censor   0   1
Placebo 29  14
Treated 13  28

 Estimate   SE   LCB   UCB   p-value
Odds ratio 4.4621.785 11.154   0.001
Log odds ratio 1.495 0.467 0.579  2.412   0.001
Risk ratio 2.1270.579  2.412   0.003
Log risk ratio 0.755 0.253 0.260  1.250   0.003

%matplotlib inline
pd.crosstab(df.Treatment, df.Censor).plot(kind="bar")
plt.title("Treatment vs Placebo")
plt.xlabel("Treatment Type for Arthritis")
plt.ylabel("Censor Status")

Censor=0, Arthritis problem remains
Censor=1, Arthritis problem improved
Odds Ratio
Odds Ratio= 4.462, this implies in Placebo Group has 4.5 times more likely to remain the Arthritis problem pared to the Treatment Group.

Risk Ratio
Risk Ratio=2.127 means in Placebo Group the probability of patients’ Arthritis problem remains increased pared to the Patients in Treatment Group.


It is very easy to mix the concept for Odds Ratio and Risk Ratio.
Odds Ratio represents the odds of an event in group 1 pared to the event of odds in group 2, here odds means the event over non-event.

Odds in Placebo=2914Odds in Placebo= frac{29}{14}Odds in Placebo=1429​

Odds in Treatment=1328Odds in Treatment= frac{13}{28}Odds in Treatment=2813​

Risk Ratio=2.07140.464=4.46Risk Ratio = frac{2.0714}{0.464}=4.46Risk Ratio=0.4642.0714​=4.46

Risk Ratio means the probability of an event ourring in group 1 pared to the probability of the same event ourring in group 2.

P(censor=0 in Placebo)=2943P(censor=0 in Placebo)= frac{29}{43}P(censor=0 in Placebo)=4329​

P(censor=0 in Treatment)=1341P(censor=0 in Treatment)= frac{13}{41}P(censor=0 in Treatment)=4113​

Risk Ratio=0.6740.317=2.127Risk Ratio = frac{0.674}{0.317}=2.127Risk Ratio=0.3170.674​=2.127

Risk ratio pares the probability of the ourrence of the same event in to groups. In addition, e can use the Risk Difference to check if the to groups have the same Risk Ratio.

Happy Studying!

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